Make Money

22 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Get Paid to Travel
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There are more opportunities to get paid to travel than most people realize. While many online jobs let you work from anywhere, this article focuses specifically on jobs where travel is integral.

Below you’ll find 22 options, broken down into the following categories to help you find the ideal travel job:

  1. Freelancer/digital nomad jobs: Work on your own terms, whenever and wherever you want.
  2. Short-term jobs: Get paid to travel for a few weeks or a season, although the long-term potential is minimal.
  3. Career track travel jobs: Make travel a key part of your professional development and long-term career goals.
  4. Free or nearly-free travel opportunities: These are temporary and volunteer jobs that offer compensation for travel, room and board, or some combination of the two.

You can also click the menu button below to see a list of all the opportunities in this article and jump to the ones that you’re most interested in.

Freelancer/Digital Nomad Jobs

The jobs in this section aren’t traditional jobs that involve working for an employer. In most cases you’ll be freelancing or running your own online business. If you’re looking for adventure and you want some control over your schedule, these jobs could be perfect for you.

#1. Travel Writer

Summary: As a travel writer, you’ll write articles, reports and reviews related to travel and tourism. Naturally, your work will involve visiting a lot of different locations in order to gain the experience needed for your writing.

How much it pays: According to Glassdoor, the average travel writer makes $52,930.

How to get started: We’ll look at two different options below. If you want to start your own blog, you can refer to our guide “How to Start a Blog And Make Money.” If you want to get hired by other publications, refer to our guide on how to become a freelance writer.

Freelance Travel Writer

Freelance writers work for a variety of different publications. Travel writers are hired by websites, blogs, magazines, guidebooks and other publications to produce articles and reports helpful to travelers. 

You might be assigned to review a particular resort or hotel, verify details of things to do in a specific city, or any number of different things. 

In most cases, you’ll be assigned to specific tasks and destinations, so you probably won’t be able to choose your own itinerary. You may be hired for a one-off assignment to write a specific article, or you might be hired for an ongoing assignment, like writing a new article each month.

Travel Blogger

If you want the freedom to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, start a travel blog. Instead of writing for clients, you’ll be writing for your own website, so you get to make all of the decisions.

Having a profitable travel blog is a great way to earn a living, but it will take some time and effort to reach the point where your blog income is enough to sustain you. Most blogs don’t make very much money the first year, so you’ll need some patience to make it through those first few months without giving up.

Potential avenues for revenue include brand partnerships, affiliate marketing, public speaking  and creating your own digital products to sell to your audience.

Where to learn more: If you want to see what it’s like to work as a travel writer, these two articles provide a lot of insight:

#2. Travel Influencer or UGC Creator

Summary: A travel influencer leverages their large social media following to promote a brand’s product or service, serving as a trusted voice for their audience. In contrast, a UGC (User-Generated Content) creator focuses on producing tailored content specifically for brands, which the brands then use in their marketing campaigns.

How much it pays: According to a study done by, the average income of a travel influencer is about $1,500 per month. This shows that it’s a side hustle rather than a full-time job for many people.

How to get started: This first step is to choose the platform you’re going to use. Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are the most popular choices. Next, you’ll need to start growing your audience by regularly posting content that appeals to travelers, and also by actively engaging with other users.

Having success as an influencer is all about your following. Of course, having a lot of followers is helpful, but you also need to have loyal followers who genuinely care about you and your recommendations. Influencers with smaller audiences can still be extremely valuable to sponsors if their followers are highly receptive. 

Where to learn more: Check out our guides on making money on YouTube and making money on TikTok to learn more.

#3. Freelance Photographer

Summary: As a freelance photographer, you could get paid for photographs used by publications. You might be given an assignment to travel and photograph a specific location, or you could sell or license photos that you’ve already taken. Stock photography websites are a popular option for licensing photos.

How much it pays: According to PayScale, the average freelance photographer makes $44,219 per year.

How to get started: The easiest way to get started is by using the photos you already have. You can submit your travel photos to stock photography sites like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock, or you can work with a stock agency to get more exposure for your photos.

Getting assignments where a client will pay your travel expenses and hire you to photograph a location is pretty rare today. That’s not to say that these opportunities don’t exist, but most companies don’t go that route because there are cheaper alternatives.

Stock travel photography makes it much more affordable for publications to get the photos they need, so they’ll often choose to license stock photos rather than hire a photographer for an assignment. 

Most freelance photographers use a few different revenue streams to generate their income. It might involve licensing stock photos, private licensing deals with companies, selling prints, leading workshops or tour groups, and the occasional assignment from a client. You could also combine it with a few of the other options we’ve already covered, like becoming an influencer or starting a travel blog.

Where to learn more: To learn more, read “How to Become a Freelance Travel Photographer” by Ilaria Cazziol.

#4. Remote Jobs

Summary: A growing number of jobs can be done remotely. While these jobs may not incorporate travel into your work, they do give you the flexibility to add as much travel into your lifestyle as you want.

How much it pays: The salary from a remote job will vary depending on several factors like the type of role, requirements of the job, location of the employer and more.

How to get started: There are several job boards ideal for finding remote jobs, including FlexJobs, Remote OK, JustRemote and We Work Remotely.

Finding a remote job is one of the best and most realistic options for many people. You may be able to continue in a job that’s very much like the one you already have, but with the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere. 

The downside to going this route is your travel expenses won’t be covered, so you’ll need to account for that in your budget. Most employees working full-time remotely outside the U.S. rent on Airbnb. A free option is a house sitting, though that restricts where you can stay.

Where to learn more: This article on Insider shares the stories and details of life as a digital nomad. After reading the article, you’ll have a better idea if this might be a good opportunity for you.

Short-Term & Limited Upside Jobs

If you’re interested in traveling for a short season of your life and not looking for anything to set you up for a long-term career, there are some additional options.

The jobs in this category can help you make some money or provide you a place to stay for a few months or even a few years. They don’t offer much in the way of long-term potential or career development, but they could be the perfect fit for someone who wants to travel for a while before moving on to a more career-oriented position.

#5. Play or Coach a Sport

Summary: If you have athletic abilities or the experience to work as a coach, you might want to consider using this as a way to travel. 

How much it pays: The income varies depending on the location, the level of league you play or coach in, and your skills. On the low end, your income might be enough to cover your living expenses or supplement other income. 

How to get started: Do some research to find opportunities in your sport. Find countries where your sport isn’t extremely popular and look for opportunities there. One World 365 is a good place to start.

The key to finding opportunities to play or coach in another country is to look for where your sport isn’t extremely popular. For example, your skills as a baseball player may not be enough to play professionally in the U.S., but you may be good enough to get paid to play in Europe. 

There are many lower-level pro teams or semi-pro leagues that are actively looking for players. The same can be said about various sports in other countries.

If your playing days are behind you, coaching might be an option. Or if you’re willing to do some coaching as well, you might be able to play and coach in order to make yourself more valuable. shares the stories of several Americans who’ve found opportunities in European leagues.

Where to learn more: Six Star Pro offers some details for anyone interested in getting paid to play a sport abroad.

#6. Tour Guide/Trip Leader

Summary: If you enjoy being around people, leading tours or trips could be a great opportunity. You might be based in the U.S. and travel with groups, or you could live in a foreign country and lead tours for groups, families or individuals visiting the area.

How much it pays: ZipRecruiter reports that the average international tour guide makes $38,411 per year, but this can vary significantly from job to job.

How to get started: Tour companies like Contiki and One Life Adventures hire tour guides and trip leaders. Of course, with some research, you can find other similar jobs as well.

Working as a tour guide or trip leader can be a lot of fun, but it also comes with plenty of responsibility. You’ll be dealing with people from all walks of life and with different personalities, and need plenty of organizational skills. 

Depending on the job, you may get to travel to many different places or you may be in the same locations repeatedly. Of course, this will have a big impact on your experience with the job and will impact whether it’s a good fit for you.

Where to learn more: To get a better idea of what it’s like to work as a trip leader, read this article on Erin Outdoors: So You Want to Be an Adventure Trip Leader.

#7. Work on a Cruise Ship

Summary: The cruise industry relies on thousands of workers in various roles, many of whom are in it primarily for the travel experiences. 

How much it pays: According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for a U.S.-based cruise ship worker is $48,404.

How to get started: Most cruise lines have a jobs or careers section on their website that lists openings. Some examples include Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian.

If you’ve ever been on a cruise, you know it takes hundreds or thousands of workers to be able to support all of those guests 24 hours a day. This includes entry-level jobs such as dishwashers, bartenders and servers, as well as more specialized jobs such as chefs, photographers and yoga instructors. 

Generally, your room and food will be completely covered and many ships offer things like employee-only bars and activities.

The downside to working on a cruise ship is that you’ll probably work long hours, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for exploring the amazing places you visit.

Where to learn more: The popular travel blog Nomadic Matt published an interview with Wandering Earl about life as a cruise ship employee. It’s a very interesting read and Earl shares an overwhelmingly positive experience of working on cruise ships for 4.5 years. 

#8. Get a Seasonal Job at a Resort

Summary: The travel industry includes millions of seasonal jobs that won’t support you year-round, but they may provide the perfect way for you to spend part of the year in a beautiful location.

How much it pays: The pay will vary depending on a few factors, but most importantly the location of the resort. In many countries the salary might seem very low, but the cost of living will generally be lower as well. 

How to get started: Websites like CoolWorks and Wander Jobs are great places to find seasonal jobs. Alternatively, you could choose a destination where you want to go and research resorts in the area to find opportunities.

Seasonal jobs aren’t going to offer the highest pay, but if you’re looking for a way to travel and a job that earns enough money to get by, this is a possibility you might want to consider. Many seasonal jobs at resorts also provide housing for staff, and meals may be included as well (depending on the resort).

There are opportunities at beach resorts, ski resorts, mountain lodges and more. Although these jobs are seasonal, openings exist in all seasons throughout the year at different locations. If you wanted to, you could work multiple seasonal jobs at different times of the year.

#9. Do Research for Travel Guides

Summary: A job as a researcher for a published travel guide like Lonely Planet involves plenty of travel. It’s a challenging job that involves verifying tedious details, but you’ll get to see a lot of new places.

How much it pays: Most companies hiring for this type of research pay a lump sum. You’ll use that money to cover your travel expenses and keep whatever is left. The less you spend on travel and accommodations, the more you’ll keep.

How to get started: Lonely Planet’s website offers information for anyone looking to contribute to their guidebook. You could also check the websites of other companies that publish guidebooks.

Travel guides like Lonely Planet provide valuable information for travelers, and they hire researchers to compile new data and verify details from past publications. 

This job involves plenty of travel and you’ll get to see and experience places you would otherwise never visit, but it’s a lot of work.

Simon Sellars, who worked for Lonely Planet said, “I feel one of the biggest misconceptions about Lonely Planet is that the company pays its authors to swan around on holiday and then do a bit of writing as an afterthought. The reality is that you are on your feet for twelve hours a day, during torrential rain or baking heat or whatever testing conditions you’ve parachuted into: coups; insurgencies; dealing with the horror of warm beer in Britain. There’s very little time for actual sightseeing. It’s actually hard work.”

While this job is not for everyone, it could be an ideal fit for someone who wants to visit as many places as possible without spending money out of pocket.

Where to learn more: The New York Times published an interesting article titled “A Job With Travel but No Vacation.” In the article, you’ll read stories from several people who have held this type of role, giving valuable insight into what it’s really like.

#10. Deliver Cars and Boats

Summary: While it’s not the first travel career that comes to mind, delivering cars or boats might be the right opportunity for you. You’ll get to spend your days on the road, or on the water, rather than sitting at a desk. 

How much it pays: According to Zippia, the average “driveaway” driver makes $43,313 per year.

How to get started: Check the websites of companies in the relocation industry for job opportunities. Auto Driveway is one of the leaders for vehicle relocations and CruiseJobFinder provides information on yacht deliveries. 

It’s a pretty straightforward job and your primary responsibility is simply making a safe delivery. Trips will vary in length, depending on where the car or boat is being delivered to.

One of the nice things about this job is the variety you’ll get. Each trip will be to a different location, so it’s possible to see many new places. On longer trips, you may have time in the evenings or when you’re not driving to see and experience the places you’re passing through.

Where to learn more: CNBC published an article about retirees working as relocation drivers as a way to travel and see the county with low expenses.

#11. Be an Au Pair

Au pairs work as live-in childcare providers for a host family, typically working between 25 and 45 hours per week in exchange for room, board and a weekly or monthly stipend. 

How much it pays: The U.S. government sets a minimum pay rate, which is currently $195.75 per week before taxes. Host families may choose to provide additional compensation to their au pair.

If you’re looking to work outside the U.S., you’ll want to narrow your search to more developed countries, where the pay will be better. Expect to receive free room and board, as well as a small sum of pocket money each week. 

How to get started: Most au pairs are hired through agencies, which both screen applicants and then place them with a family. It’s best to narrow down your search to the countries you’d like to stay in, then find an agency that works within that country. 

Where to learn more: View Travel Mag‘s list of the most reputable au paid agencies to work for.

Career Track Travel Jobs

These travel job qualifications, descriptions, compensation packages and career paths might be very similar to traditional jobs in your local area. The difference is that these jobs are done either in another country or involve frequent travel.

By pursuing the opportunities in this section, you won’t sacrifice long-term career opportunities for the sake of a job that involves travel. You also won’t need to have an entrepreneurial outlook, as these are all traditional employment opportunities.

#12. Foreign Service Officer

Summary: Foreign Service Officers are diplomats working for the Department of State. They’re responsible for promoting peace and protecting American citizens in foreign countries. There are about 8,000 FSO positions available around the world.

How much it pays: According to PayScale, the average annual salary for a Foreign Service Officer is $88,544. How much you’ll make depends on your tenure as well as where you’re stationed.

How to get started: You must be a U.S. citizen to work as a foreign service officer. But one thing to note is that the Department of State hires FSOs of many different ages and career backgrounds. And yes, in many cases, your family can come along with you to your destination.

To be considered, the first step is to register for the Foreign Service Officer Test, which is held periodically throughout the year. The test is notoriously difficult, with an 80% failure rate. If you do pass, there’s an extensive, multi-step interview process.

The Department of State offers five different career tracks for Foreign Service Officers:

  • Consular Officers
  • Economic Officers
  • Management Officers
  • Political Officers
  • Public Diplomacy Offers

Your responsibility and role will vary greatly depending on which career track you choose.

Where to learn more: Read through the Department of State’s FSO web page.

#13. Peace Corps Officer

Summary: The Peace Corps is a federal government agency that offers a variety of overseas positions (as well as volunteer opportunities). The career-track jobs are primarily in management or for medical officers, but volunteers — who carry out tasks like teaching and providing social services in some of the poorest nations on earth — are given living allowances as well as a lump-sum stipend after completion of the program (which is currently $10,000).

How much it pays: Peace Corps salaries are set by approved government-wide ranges and vary by position. Salary ranges are provided in each job listing. According to PayScale, the average Peace Corps employee makes $63,000 per year.

How to get started: Most of the opportunities available with the Peace Corps are for volunteer positions. If you’re looking to get paid a more regular salary, there are limited employment opportunities. Only U.S. citizens can be hired for overseas positions with the Peace Corps. 

Volunteer positions last for two years. Jobs with the Peace Corps are time-limited appointments and most employees are able to work a maximum of five years for the agency. As a result, working for the Peace Corps is more of a stepping stone than a long-term career move. 

However, a few years spent working for the Peace Corps will be valuable experience that’s likely to lead to other excellent opportunities in the future. For example, serving two years as a volunteer is a perfect choice if you want to become an FSO.

Where to learn more: The Peace Corps website provides information about positions, benefits, and more.

#14. Work for an NGO

Summary: Non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may provide travel opportunities for employees. Depending on the role and the organization you work for, you might be able to experience a lot of different cultures.

NGOs carry out many different tasks — from international economic development to democracy building and everything in between. Their name comes from the fact that they carry out many functions typically associated with government agencies, even though they’re independent organizations. 

How much it pays: The pay varies significantly depending on the position and the country you’re living in and the type of work you’re doing, but you should expect a salary that’s close to — but slightly below — the salary you would command in the private sector for similar work.

How to get started: Finding a job with a non-profit organization is much like any typical job search. You can use any of the major job search websites to find openings. Additionally, websites like DevEx and Idealist are excellent resources.

If you want to work for an NGO overseas, it will be helpful — and in many cases, necessary — for you to be fluent in a second language. 

Where to learn more: “Put Your Skills to Work in Non-Profit Jobs” shares some details about what it’s like to work with non-profits in foreign countries.

#15. Flight Attendant

Summary: Working as a flight attendant provides plenty of opportunity for travel. Unlike some other traveling jobs, you’ll also be able to enjoy many of the places you visit as a flight attendant.

How much it pays: According to PayScale, the average flight attendant makes $44,885 annually. 

How to get started: Airline websites are the best place to find job openings. Be aware that it’s extremely competitive and not easy to land a job in this field.

Of course, working as a flight attendant involves travel every day that you’re working. Although there’s plenty of work to be done during the flight, many trips will involve overnight stays — sometimes of more than one night — and you may have some extra time to enjoy the places you’re visiting.

In addition, most airlines allow flight attendants and other employees to fly for free on standby. That means you’ll need to have flexibility and you may not be able to get every flight you want, but when there’s room on the plane, you’ll be able to fly for free (or very cheap). 

One of the downsides to working as a flight attendant is the limited career upside that’s available. If you’re looking for a job that allows you to work your way up the corporate ladder, becoming a flight attendant is not the best fit. The skills and experience you build in the role aren’t directly transferable to other fields, and there’s no obvious “next step.”

Where to learn more: The article “What it’s REALLY like to be a Delta Airlines flight attendant” offers a glimpse into the life you might experience if you pursue this career.

#16. Traveling Nurse

Summary: As a traveling nurse, you’ll get the opportunity to travel to specific locations for a few weeks or a few months at a time. The education and requirements are the same as the requirements to be a nurse in hospitals and other settings.

How much it pays: ZipRecruiter reports that the average international travel nurse makes $85,075 per year.

How to get started: In order to work as a traveling nurse you’ll need to be a Registered Nurse (RN), a Nurse Practitioner (NP), or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

Traveling nurses usually find jobs through agencies specializing in this field. The agency or employer will often provide housing or a stipend to cover your living expenses during the assignment.

Where to learn more: “The Road to Becoming a Traveling Nurse” from will give you all the information you need about this opportunity.

#17. English Teacher

Summary: There are positions available in many countries around the world to teach English. In general, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree, but not a teaching certification.

How much it pays: According to GoOverseas, the top-paying countries for English teachers pay anywhere from $1,600 to $5,500 per month.

How to get started: The demand for English teachers in many parts of the world is greater than the supply. As a result, there are several businesses and organizations that place Americans in teaching jobs around the globe. Some of these organizations focus on a specific country and others offer placements in multiple countries. 

The best way to get started is to apply through an organization like:

Those are just a few examples, but there are others that focus on opportunities in different parts of the world. In addition, many companies hire remote tutors to teach English online. See our article on the best online tutoring jobs you can do from home to learn more.

Where to learn more: “10 Things to Know Before Teaching Abroad” provides some insight that might be helpful if you’re considering this option.

#18. AmeriCorps Teacher

Summary: AmeriCorps is a government agency offering a wide range of services and programs, including some initiatives related to education. You could work as a teacher and benefit by getting assistance with student loans.

How much it pays: According to Indeed, most AmeriCorps teachers make about $1,400 to $1,500 per month. However, that does not include benefits related to student loan forbearance while you’re working, or assistance paying off your student loans.

How to get started: The Urban Teachers website provides additional information about the opportunity.

Working as an AmeriCorps teacher won’t allow you to travel internationally, but it will almost certainly involve living and working in a part of the U.S. that you’d never experience otherwise. For example, Urban Teachers is an AmeriCorps program that places teachers in urban schools throughout the country.

AmeriCorp teaching assignments usually last for 10 to 12 months and can be done as you’re completing your education. You’ll receive a stipend that’s intended to cover your living expenses, and you’ll get assistance with your student loan debt (more than $12,000 over two years). 

Where to learn more: offers information about the AmeriCorps Inspired Teacher Certification Program.

Bonus: Get Free (or Nearly Free) Travel

The opportunities in this section won’t come with a regular paycheck, but there can be some perks like free accommodations.

#19. Mystery Shop at Resorts

Summary: Free stays at luxury resorts might seem unrealistic, but it’s actually possible through some mystery shopping jobs

How much it pays: The details vary depending on the assignment and the company you’re working for. Typically, your expenses are reimbursed and you may receive modest additional pay for your time. The primary benefit is free travel and free stays at great resorts and locations.

How to get started: You can apply for work with companies like Coyle that offer mystery shopping in the travel and hospitality industry.

Mystery shopping is a popular way to earn a little bit of extra money. Gigs in your local area may be fun as a side hustle, but many people don’t realize there are opportunities to travel as a mystery shopper.

It’s important to note that these jobs are in high demand and they’re not easy to get. As you can imagine, it’s not hard for companies to find people interested in working as a traveling mystery shopper.

Your job will involve observing the conditions and service provided by the hotel or resort staff, and writing a detailed report. It doesn’t involve working around the clock, so you’ll have free time to enjoy the places you stay, but it is work and it does require some responsibility. 

Where to learn more: Be sure to check our guide: Mystery Shopper Jobs: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Secret Shopping. The article provides an excellent introduction to the role of a mystery shopper and some specific companies in the industry, including Coyle.

#20. Work on Organic Farms

Summary: If you’re interested in experiencing life in another part of the world, you could work on an organic farm. Depending on the arrangement, you may or may not be paid.

How much it pays: With World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF), no money is exchanged between the workers and hosts. You’ll get a place to stay and food to eat, but you won’t be paid and you’ll need to pay for your own transportation and personal expenses.

How to get started: The WWOOF website lists opportunities throughout the world. Transitions Abroad also provides information about similar roles.

Working on an organic farm could be the ideal way to learn something new while getting free room and board in another country. Farmers obviously need help, and organizations like WWOOF make it easy to find opportunities around the world.

Where to learn more: WWOOF’s website provides plenty of information about the program, how it works, and what to expect.

#21. Staff Festivals Across Europe

Summary: There are countless festivals across Europe, and they all need workers in order to function. Most of the opportunities in this category compensate in ways other than cash.

How much it pays: Typically, you’ll be compensated with a free place to stay (probably a tent), as well as free food and free drinks. You’re certainly not going to set yourself up for early retirement with this job, but for something short-term, you might be sold on the free drinks.

How to get started: Stoke Travel and Hotbox Events both provide details about some opportunities. Of course, you can find more possibilities by researching specific festivals or other companies that provide staffing.

If you love to meet new people and have fun, working at a festival may be a good choice. While free drinks might sound amazing, you’re not going to be able to pay bills (including the cost of traveling there) with them. Unfortunately, this isn’t the right opportunity for anything other than a short period of time, unless you’re able to land one of the paid jobs to work as a festival organizer. 

However, if you’re already traveling across Europe, you may want to look into opportunities to work at festivals as a way to get the perks. If you have an interest in attending festivals anyway, working can be the perfect way to get the experience at no cost.

Where to learn more: You can read more about what it’s really like to work at festivals in “How to Get an Epic Job at Oktoberfest.”

#22. Volunteer

Summary: There are many opportunities to volunteer your services in order to see and experience new places. If you’re in a position where you can afford to have no income for a while, volunteering can be fun, educational and rewarding.

How much it pays: Nothing. You’ll be a volunteer, so you won’t be paid. However, in most cases you’ll have a host to provide you with a place to stay at no cost.

How to get started: is the perfect place to start, with over 50,000 opportunities listed. HelpX is another great site where you’ll find volunteer opportunities.

What do you love about traveling? If meeting new people and experiencing other cultures (in a way that tourists don’t) are at the top or your list, volunteering may be an ideal fit for you. Many volunteer opportunities are in places that tourists don’t usually see or experience.

You’ll provide some sort of work to the host in exchange for accommodations. The work will vary depending on the arrangement, but there are a wide variety of opportunities available.

These arrangements are typically short-term, which means you’ll get to experience a new place for a while, and then move on. 

Where to learn more: The blog publishes traveler stories that can help you get a feel for what the experience of a volunteer is like.

Get Paid to Travel: Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are a lot of different ways to make money while traveling. If you love to visit new places and meet people from other cultures, there are legit options available.

However, not all travel-related jobs offer the same perks and not all of them are appropriate for the same type of people.

Be sure to consider things like:

  • Your long-term career goals.
  • Your strengths and weaknesses.
  • The level of flexibility that you want.
  • The travel frequency that would be ideal for you .
  • The amount of money you need to make.

Based on these details, you should be able to identify the options from this list that would be the best fit for you.

Marc Andre
Marc Andre is a personal finance blogger at Vital Dollar, where he writes about saving, managing and making money. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and two kids, and has been a full-time blogger and internet marketer since 2008.

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